“During and after the early Messianic Jewish movement of the first century, the definition of what it meant to be a disciple of Yeshua was subtly redefined. By the fourth century, influential characters of the religious and non-religious world had joined the ranks of evangelism teaching an anti-Semitic ideology. Although anti-Semitism is a term that was coined recently, its presence has been around since ancient times, practically anywhere the Jews existed. This influence of anti-Semitism has left an indelible mark on today’s society. Take a moment to think about this.”
(Quote: The Hidden Tree - Page 41)
I recently surprised myself by watching a TikTok video (not something I’m prone to do), where a crowd of protestors were interviewed by Noa Tishbi at the Sundance Film Festival. Sadly, when asked specific questions about the Israel and Hamas saga, it was tragically painful to hear the garbled responses shrouded by the militant chants of equally uninformed supporters. None of the individuals that were interviewed had a clue about what really happened.
Well, there’s an old saying which goes, ‘there’s something wrong and it’s not the Bible…’How true this is. In fact, it is bizarre to think that we probably have the greatest number of humanitarian organisations, philanthropists, activists, and alternative spiritual lifestyles in human history. All operating under the banner of ‘tolerance’. and yet there is little ‘peace’ to show for all the effort. In complete contrast there is a rise in an irrational hatred that is plain to see and sadly has its roots elsewhere.
"It is only the uninformed who believe that religion is the cause of the world’s atrocities. By applying simple logic, we can deduce that a difference in theology was not the cause of Abel's death. The fall of the first humans was not caused by overzealous preachers. The great depression which led to the loss of lives and future incomes, the slaughter of millions of Jews in the Holocaust, the sterilisation of innocent children in the poor neighbourhoods of America, the world wars, the abortion of the innocent were not caused by religious differences. So, what lies at the centre of the demise of humanity?"
(Quote: Page 6-7, The Hidden Tree)
The Cult of Humanism
As humanism, (the worship of self) uncontrollably reveals its dark, manipulative character the world stands aghast at the endless possibilities of its appetite for more souls. Contrary to its claim to being non-religious, it has firmly established itself as a religious tenet. This is not a coincidence nor is it new. Since the beginning of time the worship of self has been resident in the human experience. This may be described as ‘self-determination’ through intellectualism, the worship of the god called ‘self’.
It is this ‘self’ that is elevated above everything that exists, pretending to have the answers to morality, justice, and truth. It answers to no-one and denies the existence of any authoritative guide outside of the intellect making it a powerful tool of control and indoctrination.
For decades, societies have been moulded by its ideology creating an environment that can basically do as it pleases depending on the measure of the individual’s own intellect, but where does it end? Who determines the rules, the moral codes, the boundaries required to avoid anarchy? Humanism sits at the root of the eugenics tree and with it are all the expressions that have been consistently manifest throughout the ages. Culminating in a trail of disaster as witnessed in the second world war. Embedded in its apparent voice of reason is one of the loudest cries that we are hearing in 2024, the cry for tolerance.
It is no wonder that the ideology which led to the holocaust (the Shoah) is declaring itself alive and well today. It is the very tools of propaganda and hatred that the global citizens of a new era are experiencing every day. It is the endless floodtide of evil that is filling our empty souls, driving us to commit the sin of Cain, unapologetically masked by the prejudiced belief that we stand in a place of objective truth and justice. Screaming at the top of our voices as though we had lost all sense of reality, while waving the banners of a newfound zeal never witnessed in our personal places of employment, broken homes not to mention our dilapidated neighbourhoods.
There is no reasoning with this ideology or questioning of its validity. To join its ranks one must be prepared to deny all others, including The God of all, YHWH. So, let us not be fooled by the chaos that is ensuing today as though it is simply a matter of the intellect. No, my friend, it is an issue of sin and we are on the verge of acting it out as did Cain against his brother.
So the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” Genesis 4:6-8 NKJV
The world is being groomed by this insidious philosophy, not to better it, but to control its followers and we should not be surprised by the ultimate outcome. Consider the cults of today and the past and tell me which of them ended well.
What Would Yeshua Say?
This is a rhetorical question really because He, Yeshua, has said enough. In fact, He was careful enough to give us the greatest network of teachers and religious authorities the world has ever known. Preparing His disciples for what is yet to come, Jesus said:
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Matt. 25:40 NIV)
In the New King James it is stated like this:
And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
Such a simple text seems to have brought a great number of scholarly writings and dialogue but wrapped up in this parable are a couple of things that we do well to note in campaigning for justice.
The first is that Yeshua (Jesus) being a Jewish man looked on those around him who were also Jewish and set a bar for righteous living, including humanitarian works. In other words,
Before one can judge a matter, one must love those that have been demonised as symbols of hatred. His brothers and sisters, brethren, The Jewish community.
The principle of being able to do this is wrapped up in His teaching of ‘loving your neighbour as yourself’. Your neighbour includes His Jewish brothers and sisters so how is it so easy to shake our fists and scream volatility to anyone that is Jewish without first recognising our own failings.
Now before you send me a barrage of anger filled comments, think about this. The whole premise of love in the bible is intrinsically linked to Israel. We are told that God is ‘love’. Then we are told,
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
His only Begotten (Jewish) Son…
So is antisemitism simply an issue of race, religion or is there something else at work here? Well the answer really depends on your worldview. You see, humanism will apply the intellect and tell you that it is a political social issue that is at the root of antisemitism. Whereas, a biblical worldview will direct you to an issue that has much higher stakes. Basically, it lies in the question of, Who Will Be God? John put it like this,
Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. (1 John 2:22)
So, what we call antisemitism can be summed up in the following equation:
Antisemitism = Anti Jewish people
Anti Jewish people = Anti Israel
Anti Israel = Anti Yeshua's (Jesus) brothers and sisters
Anti Yeshua's brothers and sisters = Anti Yeshua the Messiah (Christ)
Anti Yeshua the Messiah (Christ) = Anti Messiah (Anti Christ)
Therefore the rise in antisemitism is a rise in the spirit of Anti Messiah or Anti Christ as is mentioned by John in the New King James Bible. So, if this equation is correct where does that leave you?
The End of Antisemitism Is Coming
The disciple John, being a forthright individual, found himself on the Isle of Patmos as a convict due to speaking the truth about this spirit of anti Messiah that was pervading the earth. He found himself in open conflict with the ruling powers that were motivated by this evil system of control and hate. Was he and others like him left alone? Will antisemitism always have such dominance in the earth? Should we be careful about what we open our minds to in this age of dark intel and indoctrinated rhetoric?
Firstly, John and other followers The Messiah were never alone, as he witnessed to in the book of Revelation.
I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ. I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and I heard behind me a loud voice, as of a trumpet, saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia: to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.” Revelation 1:9-11 (NKJV)
Secondly, any attempts at totalitarianism will one day be brought to an end. This is guaranteed. This John also attests to.
Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” Revelation 11:15 (NKJV)
A Cautionary Note
The soil hides the bodies of billions of Abels whose blood is crying out for justice, mercy, and truth. The cry is unbearable.
(Quote: Page 16, The Hidden Tree)
Finally, we would do well to extract ourselves from this cult, humanism. A philosophy which indoctrinates its adherents to the extent that blind belief and emotionally, spiritually fuelled hate campaigns are the result. Sadly, it is the soil of slavery that provided the environment for such racially motivated ideologies which masquerade as revealed knowledge while leading millions towards an indifference to the Jewish community.
Let us remember that the holocaust only happened just over half a century ago, and yet, here we are staring into the same abyss, spewing out the same venom that turned friends into enemies and allies into a target.
[Compare the following images which relate to 1938 and 2024]

People watch as a Nazi official attacks a Jewish business - YAD VASHEM PHOTO ARCHIVE

Broken glass covers the front steps of the Sgoolai Israel Synagogue in Fredericton. (Jeanne Armstrong/CBC) Philip Drost · CBC News · Posted: Jan 28, 2024 5:24 PM EST | Last Updated: January 28